Sunday 27 January 2008

Spinach and guess who's gone nuts!

Well, we've managed to oik Gran's double bed upstairs into Junior's room. We girlies did it (been eating spinach!) as I was fed up of the lack of space in the front room. Said bed is now made up with proper covers (pink, fancy lacy stuff that Junior eyed up at Gran's and which my Mum then gave to her"O) So, that's about the millionth truck load of stuff that has ended up at our place. My Mum's place looks lovely and......spacious and she is all happy and smiley. Min's house, on the other hand looks like an antiques shop with cats everywhere! Still, with arrival of bro and bro-in-law today much of it should be shifted out into the garage...before the ceilings cave in! Also, efforts are to be made to get my car up and running.....yippeee!

Back to Junior. She is as happy as larry in her new "space". Stereo is on for the first time in AGES and she's ditched Britney in favour of the Gorillas and she's also been eyeing up my Dandy Warhols cd, so on the musical front things are looking up:O) She has SOoooooo much stuff, don't know where it's all going to go...probably in the spare room. Or maybe we can do a car boot.'s probably going to take me an age to sort it all out anyway. Ho hum.

Preggy Meg has taken refuge in the bottom of Junior's wardrobe and Popeye on top! Olive is quite the demented one at the mo...'cos of her failed efforts to get out into the big wide world for kitty lurrve. We're trying to make up for this by plying her with expensive Whiskas cat milk and up market food, but she's not having it...ungrateful little so and so!! She's quite barmy at the moment. Even answering back when we talk to her. Wonder if there's an Ann Summers type of place for frustrated mogs? lol

We watched Summerhill via the BBCiplayer and enjoyed it...alot! Wonder if Inspector Myrtle will end up as a Summerhill teacher? Not watching tv ain't as bad as I thought initially. It's quite liberating actually. As long as I can watch good old Torchwood then I'm a happy bunny.

Well, am off to concoct a vegan meal for Sunday dinner. Bro in law is a committed meat eater. Told him if he doesn't behave then he's having nut cutlets! lol

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